Men and women who believe that the will of the Universe for human beings is

freedom, health, abundance and harmony will find the way to achieve these desires

by learning and applying the laws of life.

Spiritual knowledge of life is the secret and the key to power!

About me.

My name is Cyril MONTHY ANDAVAL. After a long career as an engineer in a major international company, and then as a company director in advertising, a personal crisis led me to seek the true meaning of my life.

Following my spiritual awakening, I discovered that the meaning of life must be a constant search for joyful expansion, an experience far more invigorating than the simple accumulation of physical stuff. Since then, I’ve found that when I’m in this state of mind of joyful expansion, the whole universe puts itself at my service, and I feel like a magician in my life.

The purpose of this site is to share with countless people around the world how to experience a state of vibrant, living inner peace and how to find real harmony with their Source in their daily lives. I believe that when you develop the ability to have a beautiful relationship with your Inner Being, then that’s when you discover that life isn’t suffering, nor is it a struggle for survival, but a joyful rollercoaster ride of endless fun.

So my role is to inspire you, to help you, and to encourage you to achieve your goals and live the life you want.


Cyril MONTHY ANDAVAL Bienvenue dans mon univers de bien-etre