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Mirror effect

Happiness – Spirituality – personal growth – What is the mirror effect?

The mirror effect indicates enlightenment, consciousness, knowledge, and other spiritual concepts. Mirrors therefore reflect the truth in terms of spiritual symbolism. They represent the reality that we often don’t want to see.

So everyone has a mirror effect. This is the greatest of all relationship secrets. And the only one we really need to understand is how to transform all our relationships. The essence of this publication lies in the profound concept that every person we meet is a reflection of our own consciousness. To change the dynamics of our relationships, we need to embody the change we seek, as Gandhi would say. And this is done through our relationship with ourselves. But it is also essential to understand what our Inner Being thinks about the behaviour of others.

Why the mirror effect concept?

Our Source didn’t do things by chance. To live our lives and evolve, we need a mirror to tell us who we are. And it’s precisely through others that we learn who we are. So it’s vital that we become aware of this aspect of our existence and recognise ourselves in others.

Our emotional guidance system has two parts. The first is the feedback we receive from our Inner Being. This is when we have a thought, and the feedback is either negative or positive. The second is the mirror effect. It comes from any person, any situation, or even an inert thing like a tree.

In our world, it’s just us, and the others we see play the role we’ve assigned them. The reason why others are reflected in our mirror is that in the non-physical world, we love each other so much, as in the story of the little soul. We love ourselves so much, and we try to show the other person how to return to harmony with their own Inner Being. This doesn’t seem to be the case when someone is shouting at us. If someone is shouting at us, what does that mean? It means that we are arguing with ourselves and that this is the mirror effect. If someone criticises us, it means we’re criticising ourselves, and that’s the mirror effect.

What can we learn from the mirror effect?

Imagine a mirror that reveals not only our physical form but also our inner self. In this way, the qualities we admire or detest in others are, in essence, facets of our own Being. When we grasp this truth, blame and judgement have no place, and victimhood fades. What remains is a foundation of love, rooted in understanding and gratitude. Compromise becomes natural, forgiveness a matter of course, and personal fulfilment an inevitable outcome. Although this principle applies to all relationships, it is in our intimate relationships that we get the clearest mirror effect of ourselves.

How do we deal with these repetitive patterns?

It’s not uncommon to find a recurring pattern in our intimate relationships. We’ve all experienced that when we change partners, the face changes, but the foundations seem to remain the same. This repetition of problems, emotions, and insecurities can lead to disillusionment and a reluctance to try again. However, the common denominator in all these relationships is us. No matter how many times we change partners, the underlying patterns persist because they actually reflect our own qualities.

The people we invite into our world are not there to criticise us. We are the only ones who can really criticise ourselves. They reflect that criticism back to us. It’s a very loving gesture, contrary to what we might imagine. The person is not able to criticise us because he cannot create in our world. It’s our world. It is our reactions in our world that create our emotions. And the other person is not there to hurt us, even if it sometimes seems that way.

These repetitive situations, which come from within, should therefore encourage us to introspect and become aware of ourselves. This is how we can recognise our beliefs, qualities, and actions in order to cultivate the love relationships we desire.

Let’s take some extreme cases of the mirror effect.

If someone steals from me, does that mean I’m a thief? Or if someone shoots at me with a gun, does that mean I would shoot someone with a gun? Finally, if someone rapes me, does that mean that deep down I’m a potential rapist? The answer, of course, is no! It doesn’t mean that’s what we are. But it does mean that there is an active awareness within us that opens up a path of least resistance to experiences that we don’t want.

Sometimes someone will say, I have this experience with my colleague at work or with my mother-in-law. Shouldn’t I stay away from these people? If it’s easier for you, yes. But let’s not forget that we stay with ourselves. And someone else will fill that role of work colleague or mother-in-law. Someone else will come along to take the place as long as the vibration of what we don’t want is active in us. Running away is a way of living life conditionally. It allows us to put the responsibility on others to change. And there is no responsibility on ourselves; we are the only ones who can adjust our vibration.

How can we interpret some of the reflections of the mirror effect?

Every quality we see in our partner, whether admirable or not, is a reflection of ourselves. The traits that we find embarrassing often indicate aspects of our own consciousness that we may be neglecting. For example, if we are bothered by our partner’s jealousy, we are probably harbouring some jealousy ourselves. Recognising and embracing these qualities gives us the opportunity to evolve.

Similarly, positive qualities can cause discomfort. For example, if a partner’s abundant kindness seems insurmountable to us, it may mean that we want to be more compassionate. Similarly, if their ability to forgive upsets us, this is an invitation to adopt forgiveness in our own lives.

When our partner’s actions upset us, it is often a reflection of similar behaviour in ourselves. Even if it’s not necessarily directed at them. The actions that frustrate us most reveal parts of ourselves that we may not fully recognise. By recognising these patterns, we can work towards positive change.

Why is everything vibrating?

Let’s say we’ve been meditating for a week or two or three, for 15 or 20 minutes a day. And now we’re in this state of well-being. A pleasant thought comes to mind. It’s something we’d like to do. So it’s a good idea. And since there’s no resistance in us to it, we go ahead and do it. Let’s say we’re in a department store or a grocery store.

So we move into that space, not even knowing that another person we didn’t like in the past is there too. Later, we discovered that we were both in a very small space. And we hadn’t even bumped into this person. We ask ourselves how this is possible. Well, that’s because our vibration didn’t include that person’s vibration. This experience is possible because we meditated. So the law of attraction didn’t place us in the same space, even though we were in the same close space.

What is the value of the mirror effect?

To truly internalise the idea that everyone reflects us, we must first understand it. Our interactions with others give us a unique opportunity to explore and develop ourselves. They are a perfect reflection of our inner relationship with ourselves and our beliefs about life and love. Everything we admire or criticise in others is a reflection of our own consciousness. To perceive a quality in another person, it must first exist in ourselves. This awareness can be particularly enlightening in three key areas: our beliefs, our qualities, and our actions.

Our beliefs about relationships, trust, love, and life itself are laid bare in our interactions with others. Often, we have absorbed these beliefs unintentionally, inheriting them from society, the media, family, and friends. These beliefs shape our experiences and relationships, perpetuating a cycle of reinforcement. So our relationships mirror our beliefs, helping or hindering healthy relationships.

Everything is vibration, but everything is also attraction.

The notion that opposites attract is true, but it is essential to understand that these apparent opposites are in fact different degrees of the same quality. They represent different manifestations of a common essence. The introvert complements the extrovert, the weak finds strength in the strong, and the giver balances the receiver. These seemingly opposite partners are brought together to learn from each other and balance their respective qualities.

This wisdom applies to all relationships, including abusive ones. Recognition of the dynamics of abusive relationships is rooted in a lack of self-esteem. It underlines the importance of self-love as a foundation for healing. Also,it is essential to understand that this principle does not absolve abusers of their responsibility. It does, however, highlight the complex dynamics involved. If you are the victim of a violent person, my advice is to leave that person in the knowledge that you have something to work on yourself. And that’s before trying to meet another person.

What is our Inner being’s opinion of people we don’t like?

We have to look in the mirror and like what we see before we can change what we see.

Our Inner Being has nothing against people who attack us physically or verbally. It doesn’t want us to need to live a conditional life to feel good. Because a conditional life is a narrow life, There are so many things in the world that we don’t want. And if we ran and hid from every one of them, we’d stay home all day, every day.

The Masters are those who have chosen only love. They have chosen Love in all cases, at all times, and in all circumstances. Even when we killed them, they loved their murderers. Even during their persecution, they loved their oppressors.

Ultimately, to change our relationships, we must first change ourselves. This involves a process of self-reflection and recognising our beliefs and qualities. Then, take steps towards positive transformation. It’s a journey that requires dedication, but the rewards are profound.


Recognising that our relationships are mirror images is a powerful tool for personal development and transformation. It allows us to take charge of our own reality and create the relationships we desire. By embracing this truth, we can cultivate love, understanding and gratitude in all our interactions. Once we learn to reflect ourselves in a mirror, life becomes easier. We are no longer victims of anyone.