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Inner Being pure love

Happiness – Spirituality – Personal growth – Why our being is pure love?

Our Inner Being is pure Love! Its main aspect is pure Love.  The Inner Being does not love, because it is Love itself. And therefore, this is the most important aspect for us to practice. There is no condition under which there is not enough Love to heal. The Bible deals with the nature of God. God is Love. As Scripture develops, the idea of an Inner Being becomes clearer, since he is God in us.

God is Love: and he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God, and God in him (John 4:16).

By this, all men will know that you are my disciples if you have a love for one another (John 13:35).

Why the fact that our Inner Being is pure love is the remedy for our fears?

When your prayers are not answered, it’s not because you don’t deserve them. On the other hand, it’s not because you’re not worthy. Also, it’s not because others have labeled you a loser. And finally, it’s not because you didn’t pray enough. But it is because you have separated yourself from the Love of your Inner Being.

It’s certain that our preoccupation with our everyday pains won’t allow us to reach the realm of our Inner Being. And why not? Because we spend our time criticizing others. What’s more, we don’t use our free will either. And finally, we worry about what others think of us. Throughout the centuries, we have been told about the possibility of drinking from a fountain of living waters. Each generation has produced many men and women who have succeeded in finding eternal youth and peace within themselves. But how? Quite simply by finding the path to their Inner Being.

Why are there people like Jesus?

Every now and then an extraordinary person like Jesus comes along. He knew how to drink more deeply from the fountain of his Inner Being. He spoke of the inner kingdom and of the life that can be lived through the Love of our Inner Being.

Nothing is more powerful than one’s own practice. Life is an opportunity for us to know experientially what we already know conceptually. We know conceptually that we are Love!

Practice love every day by watching our thoughts, and by watching our language and our actions, nothing contrary to love will be expressed in our lives.