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Lose weight naturally and easily

Happiness – Spirituality – Personal development – How can I lose weight naturally and safely?

Losing weight naturally and easily depends on our mental and psychological state. If we want to lose weight, it’s not a question of following a diet or a programme. Rather, it’s about a lifestyle that includes, above all, managing our stress and fears about food. Food knowledge, healthy eating habits and regular physical activity are important but secondary.

People who lose weight gradually and regularly (around 1 kg a week) are more likely to keep it off than those who lose weight quickly.

If losing weight is your goal, I’m going to give you a very simple way to lose weight. In this post, I’m going to share my experience with you. In the past, I weighed 85kg for 1m80. Today, and for over 20 years, my weight is stable at 73kg. We’ll see that the first step in losing weight is to make peace with food. Then we’ll see that, in reality, it’s the quantity of calories we take in compared to what we expend that makes us put on weight. Then we’ll talk about the usefulness of intermittent fasting, which is the solution for reducing your intake. Finally, we’ll look at how to have a good relationship with food.

Why if we are overweight, we must lose weight?

The reasons seem obvious, but we’ll look at them here. Losing 5 to 10 kg of weight has a number of positive effects on your health:

  • Firstly, blood sugar levels improve.
  • Secondly, blood pressure falls.
  • Then cholesterol levels fall.
  • The spine and joints are also put under less strain.
  • Finally, the risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart attacks is reduced.

What’s my first secret in order to lose weight?

The first secret to losing weight is: to make peace with your food and feel good when you eat something. This means eating consciously! Instead of “chowing down,” we need to learn to eat consciously. Once we have aligned ourselves with the energy of well-being, once we are in tune with our happiness in relation to food, we will no longer feel this desire to eat to fill mental voids.

There’s no better diet, for sticking a “DANGER” label on what we eat. The more we consider certain foods to be dangerous, the more dangerous they will become. And that’s because of the law of attraction. We can try any diet to lose weight, the fact that we consider what we eat as dangerous will not change anything to our weight loss. It may be for a few months, but after that, the mind returns to its natural state and the weight comes back with it.

 Are you aware of the unlimited capacity of the human body?

Our bodies have the ability to use what we eat efficiently unless eating something makes us feel guilty or scared. Our body has the capacity to extract from our food what it needs and what it wants. If we don’t make peace with what we eat, we make it more difficult for our chemical factories to use it. When our mind creates resistance to certain foods, how can we expect our metabolism to function properly? We have made food our enemy. It is very rare that we can eat anything without finding something negative about what we eat. We’re constantly saying: “That’s too fatty. This is too sweet. That’s not good for my blood pressure, that stuff causes cancer, etc.”

We have developed a love-hate relationship with food. Eating is important because food supplies energy to our cells, which need it. But what’s negative about the way we eat is that we’ve also put up a vibrational wall of resistance that makes it harder for our bodies to use food. This is why different people can eat the same food and get different results. If it were food that made us gain weight or lose weight, we would all have the same results. As a result, we gain weight or lose weight according to our relationship with food.

What is my diet to lose weight? Practice temperance.

I’m aware that talking about vibration and energy makes the success of your desire to lose weight complicated. If you’re having trouble with all this talk about vibration, there’s a very simple physical way of looking at things. I remind you that when I talk about vibration, I mean eating consciously, and joyfully and making peace with your food.

One physical way of losing weight is to practice temperance. This consists of not eating to the point of being heavy. We don’t drink ourselves into a stupor. When Benjamin Franklin began his quest for a virtuous life, it was temperance that he chose to focus on first. The way Benjamin ordered his 13 virtues was deliberate. He chose temperance to launch his personal development program.

Why is temperance an extremely effective practice?

Temperance tends to bring freshness and clarity of mind. When we acquire this clarity of mind, we can easily move away from old habits and temptations. In other words, practicing this discipline in relation to food and drink makes all the other virtues easier, according to Ben.

Hunger and thirst are some of the most primal of impulses. They are therefore a very difficult drive to control. So when we try to discipline our minds, we have to start with the most basic appetites.  And we work on them. A man must learn to control his mental impulses. A clear mind and a healthy body, are prerequisites for the pursuit of a virtuous life.

In terms of diet, Franklin practiced conscious observation. He watched his weight and what he ate. He was sober and used self-monitoring. If he thought he was too fat, he ate less. If he thought he was too thin, he ate more. And if he thought he was in good health, he ate the same amount. His approach was simple and scientific, emphasizing self-experimentation.

Why is it important to understand the concept of energy intake?

People find it hard to understand why we put on weight. It’s not because we have a poor lifestyle, or don’t do enough sport, or eat junk food. I’ve seen for myself that no matter how much I exercise, my weight doesn’t go down! Why didn’t it? Because I kept eating the same amount of food.

So to answer the question why do so many of us put on weight? The answer seems obvious. The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight, according to the World Health Organisation, is an energy imbalance between the calories consumed and the calories expended. Clearly, either we eat too much, or we are too sedentary, or both. According to this logic, any excess of calories – whether from proteins, carbohydrates, or fats – will inevitably lead to weight gain. So the solution is obvious: eat less and exercise more.

Here’s how it works. When we eat a little more than normal. Our food provides us with an average of 120% energy. The total energy intake is broken down as follows: 15% from protein; between 35% and 40% from fat; between 45% and 50% from carbohydrates.  Most adults need a minimum of 2,000 calories to maintain metabolism, muscular activity, and brain function. Knowing that our cells need 100% energy to function properly, the body will store all the remaining energy in the form of fat. When a new supply of energy is consumed, the storage process continues.

Why does the body store fat?

The more we eat, and especially when we eat several times a day, the body will store the rest of the energy in the form of fat. This is due to thanks to a hormone we call insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the body each time we eat. Every time we eat, even if it’s just a nibble, insulin is produced in the body. Insulin’s job is to tell the body that it needs to store food. The more we eat, the higher the insulin level, and the more the body is in storage mode. If we eat less regularly during the day, insulin levels are low and the body is therefore in destocking mode.

Why is stress a major factor in weight gain?

For me, this tendency of man to overeat comes from the fact that he lives his life only for the mind and for the body: There are three motives for which we live; we live for the body, we live for the mind, and we live for the Soul. None of these three motives is better or healthier than the other; all are equally desirable, and none of the three – body, mind, or Soul – can be lived fully if any of the three is ignored. Therefore, when we live only for the physical, creating matter to matter creates a lot of stress in us. And when we’re stressed, our bodies release a hormone called cortisol.

Although this hormone is essential for survival, too much of it can be harmful. Cortisol stimulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, creating a surge of energy in the body. Although this process is essential in survival situations, it also increases appetite. In addition, high levels of cortisol can lead to cravings for sweet, fatty, and salty foods. This means you’re more likely to be tempted by chips and a milkshake than a well-balanced meal. Too much cortisol can also lead the body to produce less testosterone.  This can lead to a reduction in muscle mass and slow down the amount of calories burned by the body. That’s why it’s important not to forget the stress factor.

How can you reduce your energy intake during the day?

Fasting is the key to reducing your energy intake during the day! Why should you do this? Intermittent fasting produces ketosis in the body, a process that occurs when the body does not have enough glucose to produce energy. Insulin is reduced and the body breaks down stored fat. This process leads to an increase in substances called ketones. This phenomenon, combined with a reduction in overall calorie consumption, leads to weight loss.

Is intermittent fasting the solution to lose weight?

In practical terms, I started my weight control program by observing a daily fast of at least 16 hours. On average, I don’t eat anything from 9 p.m. to midday. This is to give my body a long rest after my evening meal before 8 p.m. I then let my body experience ketosis. At midday, I do my best to eat a light, balanced meal.  During the day, I become aware that I have the body and weight I want. In the evening, I also eat a very light last meal, often soup, fruit, and yogurt. Since then, it’s become a lifestyle that I really enjoy. That’s because I feel good and light with a clear mind. Since then, my weight has remained stable.

Why do I need to be aware of what I eat?

I’ve realized that when I incorporate mindfulness into what I eat, my body adapts to what I want. For example, when I eat consciously, my cells ask me for just the right amount of food to keep my body at the weight I want. As a result, I’ve gotten used to eating very little thanks to the fact that I eat consciously. I don’t eat to fill a void or to deal with life’s anxieties. I eat for the energy my cells need.

What is the right relationship with food in order to lose weight?

The right relationship with food consists of having a positive dialogue with what you eat. When I prepare to eat, I start by setting my intentions. I tell myself the following: I’m going to choose and prepare this wonderful, nutritious food efficiently. I’m going to relax and eat it with joy. This will allow my wonderful body to digest and process it perfectly. I’ve chosen the food that’s best for my physical body at this precise moment. My cells know exactly what they need to enable me to lose weight and stay fit and healthy.

As we put this intention into practice, we’ll notice that while we’re eating, we’ll feel younger, and lighter, and our cells will need less energy to digest what we’ve chosen to eat. And we’ll enjoy the food more than if we hadn’t set that intention. Just try it for a month and see for yourself!

Despite my lifestyle, I also allow myself the freedom to eat with friends, but not excessively. In general, you have to stick to a 40-day practice period before you start allowing yourself this freedom.

Why is it that to lose weight you also need to practice self-discipline?

Men often try to numb themselves with food and alcohol to avoid finding themselves. But for me, growing up means being able to face up to your fears. Practicing self-discipline with regard to what we eat and drink helps us to moderate our consumption of food and alcohol. It also gives us the confidence to start making other improvements in our lives.

Diets don’t work because there isn’t enough physical action in the world to compensate for the power of vibration. When we feel healthy and slim, we create a vibration so that what we desire appears in our reality. On the other hand, when we take action by dieting to lose weight, we are making an effort. We’re motivated and all that creates resistance. That’s why it doesn’t work. In my opinion, the right balance is to combine physical action with good intentions.

My conclusion.

If we feel energized, alive, and prosperous, we’ll attract more of all these things. Let’s not try to put actions before learning to eat consciously. That’s because we won’t prosper towards a slim, healthy body. Doing sport and eating unconsciously is not the way to lose weight. Feeling good and making peace with food is the way to slimness. We don’t create through action alone; we create above all through vibration. And then our vibration calls for the appropriate action to be put in place.

A few quotes:

It’s not what you EAT, it’s how you feel when you eat it.

It’s not what you SAY, it’s how you feel when you say it.

And finally, it’s not what you DO, it’s how you feel when you do it.

It’s how you feel that counts, not what you do!